

We are pleased to offer SkinPen Precision Microneedling: the first FDA-cleared microneedling device clinically proven to improve the appearance of fine line, wrinkles, and acne scars on the face and neck.

SkinPen Microneedling


The SkinPen Precision Microneedling device is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device clinically proven to improve the appearance of fine line, wrinkles, and acne scars on the face and neck. SkinPen provides 3 million micro channels per treatment. No other Microneedling device can make a similar claim.


The human body is incredible and can naturally heal itself in response to an injury. When our body’s healing response is activated, new cells and extracellular materials are created, such as collagen and elastin fibers. Collagen and elastin fibers make up the structure and integrity of the skin. With aging and external environmental factors, collagen and elastin fibers decrease, which in turn cause fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, texture issues, and more.

SkinPen follows a 3 step process:

  1. Inflammation → SkinPen Microneedling creates a tiny pierce into the skin, which triggers your immune system. When your immune system is activated, there is an increase in blood flow to begin the process of creating new tissue.
  2. Proliferation → The micro-wounds that are created are rebuilt with new tissue that include collagen proteins and a new network of blood vessels.
  3. Remodeling → The remodeling process occurs when the micro-wound is replaced with new tissue. The new tissue contains a plethora of collagen and elastin fibers, which improves the tone, texture and youthfulness of the skin.


  • SkinPen rejuvenates from the inside out
  • SkinPen is the first FDA cleared microneedling device.
  • SkinPen is proven safe and effective with lasting results.
  • SkinPen is a quick treatment with little to no downtime.
skinpen device for microneedling


  • Am I a candidate?

    SkinPen is safe for all skin types!

  • How many treatments do I need?

    3-6 treatments are recommended for optimal results.

  • Does it hurt?

    No! Patients are numbed prior to the procedure for 30 minutes and are comfortable during the treatment.

  • Is there downtime?

    There is little to no downtime with SkinPen. Side effects are similar to a mild sunburn; redness, tenderness, and minimal swelling.

Ready to schedule an appointment?

Ready to schedule a consultation, or need to ask questions about our Aesthetics or Wellness services? You can reach our Aesthetics Coordinator by calling our office at (256) 759-9269 and dialing extension 107.

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